Wondering how capital raising cycle works? Whether it’s debt, equity, or both, fresh entrepreneurs are often unsure of the right leverage they should be pulling. Tailored to all fast-growing companies, this webinar will examine real-life examples on how to identify the right capital for you and when – specifically understanding the playbook for lending.
Join Douglas Saxon, Corporate Finance Partner OKR Financial and Keren Moynihan, CEO of Boss Insights and former commercial banker to learn how to be efficient with the money you raise, including the lender’s perspective in terms of how to make the process easier. We will have a Q&A session at the end, so prepare your questions!
We’ll cover:
· An overview of the capital raising cycle and how you can apply hybrid approaches to accelerate your company’s growth.
· Simple strategies to maximize the mix of debt & equity.
· Best practices when raising capital.
· How technology platforms like Boss Insights and lenders like OKR Financial can support you throughout the process.
12:30 PM PDT
May 6, 2021

Douglas Saxon, CFA, Corporate Finance Director, OKR Financial
CFA with deep experience in financial services ranging from Investment Advisor to leading the Corporate Finance/Due Diligence team at Canada’s largest EMD.
Focus on Private Debt/Capital markets including negotiating, structuring, and due diligence on transactions.

Keren Moynihan, B. Sc. JD MBA CEO, Boss Insights
With 15+ years’ experience in financial services as a banker, advisor and mentor, she’s built Boss Insights to provide fintechs, banks and CUs with their clients’ financial data … in minutes.
Before Boss Insights, Keren started as a JD/MBA, working at a division of the TSX and then moving to commercial banking at RBC. Her first startup was an impact company financing large buildings to be energy-efficient.